
En Sol Beauty and Care, como empresa de e-commerce, es fundamental contar con un socio estratégico como ACE Shelter para poder penetrar de manera efectiva en los mercados internacionales. Su experiencia y acompañamiento en la selección de sitios, análisis de costos, y cumplimiento aduanal y logístico nos han permitido expandir nuestras operaciones sin contratiempos, asegurando que cumplamos con todas las normativas y regulaciones locales.
ACE Shelter ha sido esencial para facilitar nuestro acceso a nuevos mercados, gestionando de manera eficiente áreas críticas como la conciliación contable y fiscal, así como la contratación de personal y cumplimiento de normativas de seguridad y medio ambiente. Este nivel de soporte integral nos ha permitido enfocarnos en el crecimiento de nuestra marca y la satisfacción de nuestros clientes.
Gracias a ACE Shelter, hemos logrado navegar las complejidades del comercio exterior de manera ágil y segura, lo que ha sido clave para el éxito de nuestra expansión. Recomiendo ampliamente sus servicios a cualquier empresa que busque una gestión confiable y efectiva para operar a nivel internacional.
Oscar S.
Director de Operaciones Sol Beauty and Care

ACE is a well-structured and cost-efficient shelter partner that allows you to initiate operations in Mexico in a short period of time. They are a flexible companion while making sure that all the legal requirements in both sides of the border are met. Their vast experience operating maquilas in Mexico allows clients to maximize the benefits of operating as an IMMEX. The professionalism, dynamism, and commitment of the management team and the admin employees allows your staff to focus 100% on operations.
Arturo Sanchez
General Manager Mexico, Global Head of Operations and QA at Diamond Products

I have worked with ACE as the Clearfield shelter service in Mexico for over 10 yrs, and with members of the ACE team since 2001. ACE provided seamless HR services, payroll, and Import/Export services with impeccable customer service. ACE helped Clearfield grow from 8 employees to over 1000 employees, which required 3 different facility changes as part of that growth. They are extremely knowledgeable about dedicated shelter services and are very attentive with all your needs, from employee onboarding to expedited shipping across the border. I would choose to work with ACE again in the future.
Jim Henschel
Director of Clearfield Manufacturing